Agence de Randonnée Corse spécialisée dans l'organisation de séjours

GR20 avis

Bonjour Cyrielle,

After the great trip I would like to give my ratings. 
  1. GR20 – South
    Guide: Xavier
    Date: 05.06. – 10.06.2022
    General Rating: Very satisfied
    My Comment: I had very much underestimated how tough the walk was. The problem was not the length or the altitude, it definitely was the terrain. However, I learned so much about the technique from Xavier that I got better and fitter every day. Without his instructions I would have never succeeded. Although I was behind my fellow group members (most of them younger than me), he has always given me the courage that he believes in me that I would make it. That way he taught me was fantastic. Often, he let me choose the way and gave options so I could learn to find my own way. This way he made me fit for the North.
    In addition, I was a bit surprised that I was the only non-French. Since there was a bit of rest of my French knowledge, the tour was a language course for me too. The first day Xavier talked a bit in English was me but soon noticed that I understood, when he talked slowly and that I preferred French. So, we talked French, but always made sure that I understood when it was important.
    He was always there when I needed him, and he let me on my own when it helped me to find my confidence. He couldn’t have done better. Please pass him my deepest thanks!
    Apart from the guide, the group was fantastic too. I was fully integrated despite the language issues and that I was behind in walking in the first days. I was never alone or desperate, not one moment.
  2. GR20 – North
    Guide: Pauline
    Date: 11.06. -  17.06.2022
    General Rating: Between satisfied and very satisfied
    My Comment: Pauline was also very nice and very competent, and she also took very good care of me. She helped me very much and she brought me to the happy end. However, I have the feeling that she underestimated me. In the new group, there were two or three members who were not ahead of me. But, I had the feeling she thought me the far weakest, which I wasn’t. In some situations, she guided me too much, didn’t let me find my own way. However, I was very happy with her. It’s better and safer to underestimate somebody than overestimate them!
    With the language, she also noticed that I preferred French slowly spoken and did so, and she also always made sure I understood when it was important. I was very happy with that too.
    In the North, the group was too big. We were twelve, which I found was too many. The group often disrupted. That was nobody’s fault, it simply was because of size of the group.
  3. General Rating of Couleur Corse:
    I was very satisfied with everything! If I ever do it again, I will definitely do it with Couleur Corse again. I would always recommend Couleur Corse to everybody who speaks at least a little bit of French.
    I appreciated the fantastic organisation already long before the trip, the very good recommendations for the equipment and the quick and competent reply for any questions.
    I also appreciated the fantastic organisation during the trip, the very good supply of food – exactly what the body needed during the walks. I was very pleased that most of the food was local products. I do like the Corsican product, but it’s also good for the local producers and for the environment due to short supply routes.
    I was also very pleased seeing all guides (Xavier, Pauline, Paulo) collecting any rubbish they found on the way. They did it without talking or showing, just because they felt it. That’s a very noble gesture. I would like to see that in other parts of the world too!
Since 1994, when I was in Corsica for the first time, I wanted to do the GR20. Now, 28 years later I finally did it. I fulfilled my dream. It was much harder than I ever thought but it also was much more beautiful and breath taking than I ever thought. I’m very proud to have succeeded. I will never forget the wonderful tour as long as I shall live. I want to say thank you to Couleur Corse having made that possible.
My warmest regards,

“ Le trek le plus difficile d’Europe”

Avant d'entrer dans le vif du sujet, parlons des raisons pour lesquelles cet itinéraire est particulièrement difficile, même pour les passionnés de rando :
  •  Le GR20 n'est pas un sentier comme les autres ; le chemin est rocailleux, escarpé et les dénivelés assez costauds (800 m de dénivelé positif en moyenne sur l’intégralité du parcours). Même les randonneurs réguliers ne sont pas toujours habitués à marcher sur ce type de terrain. C'est la traversée de la montagne corse, sans emprunter les anciens chemins muletiers : amas de pierres tombées, dalles, éboulis ... Être à l'aise dans cet univers minéral, ça ne s’invente pas ! Une expérience de la randonnée hors sentier est clairement un plus.
  • Les étapes sont longues, et si vous n’êtes pas entraîné, l'accumulation des jours de randonnée peut être difficile à gérer. Normalement, il faut 16 jours pour terminer le parcours, en respectant chaque étape du tracé original. Donc vous serez naturellement plus serein si vous pratiquez déjà régulièrement un sport d'endurance, comme la course à pied ou le vélo.
  • Ne vous attendez pas à avoir des lits douillets et une douche chaude tous les soirs ! Les hébergements le long du sentier du GR20 sont relativement vieux et rudimentaires. Vous dormirez la plupart du temps en bivouac (plus sympa pour regarder les étoiles), même s’il pleut parfois à verse … Le soleil qui se lève plus tôt que prévu, le voisin (ou la voisine) qui ronfle … quel qu’en soit la cause, le manque de sommeil peut clairement avoir un impact sur votre niveau d’énergie. Mais ça fait partie de l'aventure, n’est-ce-pas ?

Rédigé par Laetitzia PIETRI le Mercredi 16 Février 2022 à 17:06 | Lu 821 fois

Actualités | La Vie de Couleur Corse | Montagnes de Corse | Préparation du GR20